Episode 130 02 Dec, 2020

[Expert Extra] Anti Racism for Leaders with Nathalie Edmond

Nathalie Edmond

[Expert Extra] Anti Racism for Leaders with Nathalie Edmond

  • Episode 130 | [Expert Extra] Anti Racism for Leaders with Nathalie Edmond 00:00

Anti Racism for Leaders with Nathalie Edmond

Hi Group Practice Listeners! I’m talking about the idea of philanthropy as a business owner.

In this episode I cover:

  • What philanthropy is
  • Types of philanthropy
  • How to engage in philanthropy as a business owner

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Transcript: Nathalie Edmond

Maureen Werrbach

Hey, everyone, I hope you’re having a great day today. Today I wanted to do something different. And something that I’m going to do more of in the future, which is: pull an excerpt from a training that was done in my membership community, The Exchange, and play it inside this podcast and have a little commentary before and after.

So this first training that I’m going to share a piece of is Anti Racism for Leaders.

It was a training done by Natalie Edmund. She’s a group practice owner and an anti racism coach. And in this excerpt, she’s talking about how to go from an all white club as an organization or as a business to an anti racist organization. And she outlines the sort of the steps that you need to move closer to an anti racist organizations, and what the culture of these different categories are. So there’s the all white club, the token or affirmative action organization, the multicultural organization and the anti racist organization organization. And in it, she talks a little bit about the culture, and what the feel of organizations that fit into this all white club, or this token or affirmative action organization, multicultural and anti racist organization are.

It was a great way for me as a white business owner, to learn about the difference between multicultural and anti-racist organizations. And so I wanted to share that piece with you. If you’re interested, be sure to hop into the exchange to watch the full training.

Nathalie Edmond

So, what does it mean to move towards being an anti racist organization?

You know, if we think about our forefathers, right, that it was an all white club in the beginning. I mean, it was not only an all white club is an all white, cis male club. And decisions tend to be made in private ways that people can’t see or really know.

That’s how decisions are made in that kind of all white club.

If we think about our practices, it’s often primarily self pay. And like these kinds of models, the practice is usually located in primarily white, suburban or affluent areas, because those are the people who often can afford to pay prices. Decorations tend to reflect a predominantly white culture or neutrality. And the other thing about the culture of an all white club is tends to be top down. Success is measured by how much is accomplished. Process is not as important conflict is avoided at all costs. And leaders tend to assume we’re all the same. People who raise issues that make people feel uncomfortable or considered troublemakers or hard to work with. And there’s very little analysis around power or oppression.

And then we have kind of affirmative action organizations.

Or, where we have a few BIPOC individuals in those spaces and often it’s still very much the same. Leadership is still predominantly white, I’m still located in predominantly white communities.

And then we move to a multicultural organization, which tends to have a more diverse leadership team.

There’s some sliding fee. And there’s some taking of insurance and decorations tend to reflect more of a commitment to multiculturalism. Perhaps the location of the practice or practices is a little bit more diverse in terms of the population served. There’s more of a celebration of diversity in these multicultural organizations. Though, power analysis still doesn’t tend to happen in these organizations. There’s some discussion around reducing prejudice. But uncomfortable naming racism and not quite at that level of anti racism, conflict is still really avoided.

Then we see these anti racist organization, where really at every level, they’re really working towards looking at oppression and power, this idea of professionalism.

There’s much more power sharing, there’s much more openness to conflict, there’s much more accessibility for people with sort of perhaps insurance taking or there’s a sliding fee scale. The insurance reflects the people in their local area. And they really have figured out a way to mentor people, right, this idea of like, if you really want a more diverse workforce, that you realize that people don’t always have the same access to education and training, and so you’re willing to do what you have to do in order to one it make your place of employment someplace that’s inviting to mentor by POC individuals.

Because I think what’s problematic and harmful at times is that when we’re in the token, affirmative action column, is that we can hire BIPOC individuals, but the culture will be oppressive in subtle ways, right?

Those microaggressions will happen because the staff will not have done their inner work around looking at whiteness, and looking at the ways in which silence is violence, or the ways in which race is not an issue. Right. So I think about people who talk about when George Floyd was murdered at the end of May. That’s so many BIPOC individuals, particularly black individuals went to work the next day. And there was no discussion at work about what happened. Right?

But if we look at like the collective impact, right, but there was collective grief happening, for people to have to leave those parts of themselves at the door, or to have performative allyship, right, where we put a message out on social media or on our website. But we’re not in it for the long haul. We’re not really looking at like, what can sustain change in our organization? What are ways in which we’ve been complicit in the past? Right, that we’ve all been complicit at some point, myself included. But how can we change that so that there’s accountability in the future? And how do we get training for our staff?

How do we make anti racism an ongoing goal that is required and not optional?

Maureen Werrbach

All right, we’re back. So after listening to the excerpt from the antiracism, for leaders training that Natalie did, what’s coming up for you?

I remember what came up for me in initially listening to her do this training really came down to the difference between a multicultural organization and an anti racist organization. And really, you know, feeling like those were the same. And I don’t know what what came out for you most as something new, or something that kind of sparked this thought of where you might need to do some work in your organization.

But one of the things that I had learned is that in a multicultural organization, it’s still as assuming level playing field, but there’s an unwillingness to name racism or address conflict around racism.

And there’s still no power analysis. In a multicultural organization where there is in an anti racist organization, and workaholism is desired and rewarded still in a multicultural organization. Whereas an anti racist organization, company owners and those in power in leadership positions have a willingness to name racism and address conflict in their organizations. They have resources that are devoted to developing shared goals, teamwork, and shared knowledge. And it’s designed to build and share power and I think that’s the biggest piece

The key that I took away from what really differentiates a multicultural from an anti racist organization is that it’s designed to build and share power.

And so I really appreciated learning this piece of it. And I’d be interested to hear what what you got from it. If you’re still wanting to learn more about how you can have an anti racist organization, how you can move towards being an anti racist organization, I highly recommend looking for a coach that can help you walk through anti racism both on a personal level, but also on an organizational level. And there are plenty of great people out there.

Like I mentioned before I get my own coaching through Natalie, and you can go to her website at drnatedmond.com. And she does this kind of work. I highly recommend making sure that you’re incorporating and prioritizing anti racism in your own work as a person, but also as a leader in your organization.

Thanks For Listening

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* I am an affiliate for some of the businesses I recommend. These are companies that I use in my own group practice, and make recommendations based off of my experience with them. When you use some of these companies through my links, I receive compensation, which helps me continue to offer great free information on my podcast, blog, Facebook group, and website.
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