1:1 support
Every practice owner faces unique challenges and sometimes, you need that extra bit
of tailored support to tackle them. TGPE offers two exclusive options designed to give
you the personalized help you need, when you need it:

Choose the support that fits your needs and let’s make your practice everything you’ve envisioned it to be. Whether it’s a quick fix or a comprehensive strategy overhaul, we’re here to assist you in paving the way to success.

CEO Quick Fix
Got an urgent issue or a specific problem area in your
practice? Book an hour of focused support with our CEO Quick
Fix. It’s the perfect solution for busy practice owners needing
expert advice quickly. Whether it’s a staffing issue, a
procedural snag, or a financial dilemma, we’re here to help you
sort it out efficiently and effectively.

Accountability Equation Strategy Day
Ready for a deeper dive? Our Accountability Equation Strategy
Day is all about setting you up for success. I’ll meet with you in
person for a full day, dedicated to developing and
implementing your Accountability Equation. We’ll map out
clear roles, responsibilities, and goals to ensure your leadership
team thrives, allowing you to step back from the everyday
details and focus on your vision for the future.

Growing a Business
Get expert 1:1 guidance to build, grow, and optimize every aspect of your group practice. Choose between targeted hourly consulting for strategic insights or a full-day immersive session where I visit your practice, helping implement The Accountability Equation framework directly with you and your leadership team.
Key Benefits of 1:1 Coaching
Flexible hourly consulting on leadership, operations, and practice growth
Full-day in-person support for accountability structures tailored to your business
Hands-on help to align the right people in the right roles and create sustainable growth strategies
Laser focused support with your goals in mind
Access to me directly-get feedback and strategy support to help get you where you want to be
Emotional support-I know what it's like running a group practice-I own one!
“A Journey of Empower”
Thanks Maureen!