Advertising and Finding New Clinicians

finding clinicians

Frazzled by where to find clinicians for your group practice that are both invested in your group practice, great therapists, and also exactly what you need in your practice? We often become stymied by our own frustrations and fears that we aren’t able to become creative with the way we look for clinicians.

In this podcast episode, I discuss a few quick tips to help you figure out where to advertise and find the perfect therapists for your group practice. Tips include:

  • Having a hiring page on your website
  • Therapist Facebook groups
  • Your own colleagues
  • Local grad school hiring boards
  • Local Yahoo listservs/groups
  • Psychology Today community forum

Looking for a good therapist takes time and effort. Don’t be frustrated with the process or give up hope. Stick with your ideal clinician profile (just like you do with your ideal clients) and set a schedule each week for searching and pursuing an ideal clinician. Good luck!

Looking for more information about hiring and staff management?

Independent contractors versus employees podcast interview

IC versus employee article

Addressing concerns with staff

Hiring strategies

More hiring strategies

Who do you need to hire

Advertising and Finding New Clinicians

Maureen Werrbach is a psychotherapist, group practice owner and group practice coach. Learn more about her coaching services here: LEARN MORE HERE


Here are the resources and guides we recommend based on this episode
Productive Therapist

Productive Therapist

Do you have an in-office or virtual intake coordinator? Do you want to increase your conversion rate, create a smooth intake process that works, and empower your intake coordinator to feel successful and perform better?

Therapy Intake Pro is a unique program that is designed to help your intake coordinator level up their skills and feel increasingly confident & effective in their role. Check it out here!

Use coupon code TGPE15 for 15% off a purchase of $100 or more!

* I am an affiliate for some of the businesses I recommend. These are companies that I use in my own group practice, and make recommendations based off of my experience with them. When you use some of these companies through my links, I receive compensation, which helps me continue to offer great free information on my podcast, blog, Facebook group, and website.

Area Of Focus

Picture of <strong>About</strong> Me

About Me

Maureen is the owner of a multi location group practice in Chicago and owner of The Group Practice Exchange and co-owner of Group Practice Builders.

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